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Chatter groups

Listening ear drop in all day every day every weekday.

Monday -Women's Group -1:30 
Wednesday- Men's Pie Club- 2pm-4pm. To get involved, just call in to the cafe or contact Chris email-  or phone  07932378034.


Any time, feel free to come and take a book or sit and read in the cafe. 

Financial wellbeing

Betsy Jenny Counselling and Wellbeing Café are delighted to announce that we will be working with Clean Slate Financial Wellbeing who are a local charity who will be on hand to provide.
Benefit advice and advocacy (PIP , Universal Credit etc) alongside Debt advice, budgeting advice and debt advocacy. This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone who feels they are not receiving the correct benefit they are entitled to or struggling with debt and form filling in.

Therapy groups

Monday - Yoga @12:30 pm (£5)
Thursday- Raising Hope Meditations

Sound Bath-1- 2pm.
Mindfulness offers various benefits, including reduced stress, improved focus, enhanced emotional regulation, and a greater sense of well-being. It involves being fully present in the moment, cultivating awareness without judgment, which can positively impact mental and physical health over time. We also offer Reiki, Relaxation therapy and One on one well being activities.

Sound bath and Meditation with Raising Hope Meditations is ending soon, please provide us with some feedback on how you found the experience :) You can do this by contacting us on our social media accounts, coming in and talking to us about it or give us a ring!

Employability and CV building

Are you looking for help with a CV , an upcoming job interview or just getting on the employment/volunteering ladder?


Then look no further then Uplift who are doing some fantastic work to help coach people into employment or volunteering. This can be done from the comfort of our cafe if preferred.


The girls at Uplift are fab and very supportive. They have links to all kinds of employers and are on hand to support you through the journey.


Please email us at for more information and we can arrange everything for you.


Fun and Games

In Cafe Bingo

Arts and Crafts

Mutual Aid

Wednesday-ADHD support group- 6pm
Thursday-AA- 3pm

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